Digital Signature Certificate Processing - Sify Digital Signature Certificate
As issuance of any digital signature certificate is governed by rules laid down by the CCA ( which requires physical documents to be presented to the Certifying Authority prior to issuance of the digital signature. These documents are the equivalent of a bank's KYC (know your customer) and consist of an approved ID proof and address proof for the individual as we'll as the company, if a company type of digital signature is requested.
So the flow would be as follows.
- Buy and pay online for the digital signature certificate of your choice.
- You will receive a set of emails informing you transaction confirmation and next steps.
- Complete the documentation as required in the email you receive.
- Email scanned documents to for a check and confirmation.
- Get confirmation from Esign that all documents are in order.
- Send the physical documents (same set you scanned for approval) to the Esign Mumbai office.
- We receive the documents in Mumbai. You can track the progress in your customer panel.
- We process the application which takes 48 hrs after we receive the original documents, not withstanding a weekend and public holidays.
- We download the digital signature on the FIPS certified USB token device and courier it to you in a kit containing a cd with driver installation.
- You receive the kit and install the USB crypto token drivers in whichever PC's you wish to use the digital signature from.
Normally this entire process can be completed in a 7 working day time frame, if you act promptly.